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Deflate Your Backside If You’re Indeed A Born Again Christian-Kelvin Taylor To Moesha

Few days ago actress Moesha Boduong publicy repented and announced that her new name is Maurica Boduong because the name Moesha was just a social media thing-something she no longer needs.

Her public repentance has attracted massive and diverse comments from the public. Gossip mongers say the actress has been made to repent because her soon to be husband is from a religious home and his parents won’t watch him to marry any lady who isn’t a Christian.

Loudmouth Kelvin Taylor has waded into the conversation of whether Moesha has indeed repented or just trying to impress a set of people. Kelvin Taylor says he doesn’t believe the actress entirely on her repentance story.

He says to believe Moesha, she must sell her mansions and cars she acquired by trading her body for money. Especially with rich married men.

He stressed that what will complete her repentance story is to go back to Dr. Obengfo and undo the plastic suggery since it isn’t hers

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