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Ghana will only see progress if Ghanaians always pray for Akufo Addo – Koku Anyidoho

Koku Anyidoho, a previous Representative General Secretary of the NDC and current Chief of the Atta Plants Organization, has encouraged individuals of Ghana to petition God for President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo. He encouraged Ghanaians to petition God for their country, saying it is sure to profit from God's mediation. The leader of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has recently expressed his firm confidence in God's capacity to work on the country's monetary circumstance. Assuming you accept what he says, "I

Akufo Addo comes nowhere near me in terms of infrastructure development – Mahama brags

John Dramani Mahama, a previous leader of Ghana, has stated decidedly that Akufo Addo doesn't actually come near him concerning building new foundation. The three-time official up-and-comer asserts that Nana Addo has generally ignored foundation improvement. The "assault" on Nana Addo by John Dramani Mahama is a reply to the charges of the decision New Energetic Party (NPP) that he isn't valid. We are mindful of Nana Addo's rehashed declarations that Mr. Mahama needs validity and can't be relied upon to keep his

Is A New Wife Bossu’s Top Priority? – Sam George Reacts To Akufo-Addo’s Plan To Marry An EWE Woman

President Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo-Addo, started a scope of reactions via web-based entertainment throughout the end of the week subsequent to conceding a mystery love for women from Ghana's Volta District. Various sources guarantee that Nana Addo's show kid unveiled plans to look for a second spouse from Ghana's Ewe country. Nana Addo expressed this on a radio broadcast in the Volta Locale, saying that in spite of the fact that he has consistently wanted to wed an individual from the land, he has not yet found the

Complete Abandoned Hospitals And Stop Wasting Taxpayer’s Money-Mahama To Akufo-Addo

Previous leader of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has regretted the public authority's choice not to finish the emergency clinics worked under his supervision. The head of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) conveyed a discourse at the launch of a maternity and youngsters' ward built to honor his 30th wedding commemoration with previous first woman Lordina Mahama. The previous President requested that the public authority operationalize the finished wellbeing offices as well as mentioning that the public authority

I Lied To Protect President Nana Addo In Relation To The National Cathedral-Owusu Bempah Confesses

An extremely impressive partner of Nana Akufo Addo, Reverend Owusu Bempah has conceded that he lies to safeguard the respectability of the President regarding the National Cathedral. Making the unforeseen 'admission' on Accra-based Okay FM, an auxiliary of Despite Group of Companies, the popular righteous man said to stay away from irritation of Nana Addo and making him disliked, he frequently guards his choices, for example, the disagreeable National Cathedral. He likewise uncovered that his nearby relationship with

Blame Government For Current Economic Woes- Fanklin Cudjoe

The Director of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe strongly believes government is to be blamed for the country's economic predicament.He says wasteful offices is one of the cause of the country's woes Leader Director of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe says government is generally to fault for the country's ongoing financial troubles. As per him, the circumstance is the aftereffect of government's inability to make the right interests into the economy. RelatedItemsThe NPP has a custom of removing Ghana from tough spots -

The Vice President And President Are Tired To Generate Fresh Ideas—Asiedu Nketia

The General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Johnson Asiedu Nketia has said that the President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo and the Vice President of Ghana Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia look tired and frail to even generate fresh ideas for the economy. The General Secretary who was speaking on Okay FM's 'Ade Akye Abia' accused the Finance Minister and the EMT of Ghana's current economic crisis. “..Ghana received lots of support from the World Bank and other benevolent institutions during the

Politicians In Ghana Don’t Deserve The Trust of Their People Because…….Lydia Forson

Actress Lydia Forson who is found of criticizing politicians has said that Ghanaian politicians can't expect absolute trust from Ghanaians when they haven't done enough to earn the trust. The actress is convinced that should politicians do enough for their people to trust them, majority of the people are willing to give them maximum support. She made this comment while replying a tweep who shared concerns on the President of Ghana implementing E-levy but fought against VAT back in the days. “You can’t expect

Nana Akufo-Addo Let Me Interview You Please—Delay Begs President

On 5th April a video of President Nana Akufo-Addo being interviewed by BBC journalist, Peter Okwoche. In the interview the journalist put it to Nana Addo that the economy of Ghana is doing terrible but the President defended it with claim that the economy is struggling because of COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journalist again asked why the President wants to still over taxed an impoverished country. The President quickly answered stating that the country isn't impoverished and that the E-Levy will only be imposed on
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