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If You Die For The Party, The Party Will Die For You When We Come To Power-John Mahama Encourages NDC Members To Work Hard

Former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has assured party members of the party's commitment towards them if they work hard to bring back the NDC to power. Speaking to a number of supporters on Wednesday during his 'Thank You Tour' he encouraged party members to work hard to see to it that the party wins 2024. Mr. John Mahama seems to be listening to cries of a former member of the party Stephen Atubiga regarding the party's attitude of neglecting grassroot members whenever it wins power. Addressing a number

When You Work Hard To Bring The Party In Power, You Won’t Be Neglected-Mahama Assures NDC Members

Three-time Presidential candidate for the NDC and a former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has assured its members especially those at the grassroot level that the party won't forget them if they work hard to bring the party in power. The former President gave party faithful this assurance while addressing them on Wednesday during his 'Thank You Tour'. Unlike in the past that some members especially a former member of the party Steven Atubiga complained bitterly of party leaders neglecting him and people at

E/R: Force Gov’t To Look Into Election 2020 Death-John Mahama Tells Chiefs

2020 Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Mahama has appealed to the Eastern Regional Chiefs to force the current government to investigate the death of some eight persons during the 2020 general election. According to him investigating the deaths of the 8 people will enable government to do something little for families who lost their loved ones as well as those who were injured. The former President made this comment when he paid a courtesy call on the Eastern Regional House of

2020 Election: NDC Had A Superior Manifesto Than NPP-John Mahama

The three time Presidential candidate of the NDC and the former President of Ghana, John Mahama says the National Democratic Party's manifesto was superior than the NPP manifesto. The former President stated that the NPP manifesto was relegated by analysts because of the great content of the NDC manifesto. He mentioned that the NDC's manifesto contained solutions to all the challenges the country faces in recent times. Plans for job creation, for the economy and infrastructure are someone of the content of the NDC

E/R: Nana Addo Has Refused To Continue My Projects-John Mahama Tells Chiefs

The ex-President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has lamented on the discontinuing nature of President Nana Akufo-Addo towards projects he started. As part of the former President's 'Thank you tour' he paid a courtesy call on the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs in Koforidua on 12th October 2021 the three times Presidential candidate of the NDC bemoaned to the chiefs on how Nana Addo's administration has abandoned most of the unfinished projects that was started during his term of office. To him he says this is very

Is John Mahama For Or Against The Anti-Gay Bill-Gabby Otchere-Darko Quizzes

Leading member of the New Patriotic Party and cousin of Nana Akufo-Addo, Gabby Otchere Darko has questioned former President Mahama on his position regarding the anti-gay bill. In a tweet he questioned the former President on whether he is for or against the bill. ''Is former President and presidential aspirant John Mahama for or against the Boy George Bill?'', he tweeted. This comes after some eight members of Parliament including Sam George sent an anti-gay bill to Parliament requesting that it gets passed into

I Wholeheartedly Endorse Return Of Mahama To Rescue Ghana From Nana Addo-Sam George Replies Gabby Otchere-Darko

The member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Samuel Nartey George has finally reacted to Gabby Otchere-Darko endorsing him as the next flagbearer of the NDC. In a tweet, Gabby Otchere-Darko had stated that if politics was populism and popularity then Sam George should be the NDC's Presidential candidate. Sam George responding to Gabby has said that he wholeheartedly endorses John Mahama to return as the party's leader so he can rescue the country from the hands of Nana Akufo-Addo. Dear @GabbyDarko, I am completely

I Don’t Back Any Candidate, Mine Is To Support And Campaign For Whoever The Party Elects-Nana Akufo

President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo has disclosed that he isn't backing any NPP flagbearer hopeful like rumours has it. Speaking on Pure FM as part of his tour in the Ashanti Region he noted that he is only in the position to throw his weight behind whoever the party selects as its next flagbearer and nothing more. ”My duty is to hold the balance, to make sure that there is a level playing field for all inside our party. The decision has to be the decision of the party, my thing is that whoever the party elects as the

I Fear John Mahama Will Take Ghana Backwards Again If NPP Doesn’t Win 2024 Election

President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo has expressed fear ahead of the 2024 elections noting that he fears history will repeat itself. The President believes that Ghana would have been more advanced and achieved its desire change had the NPP continue to be in government but unfortunately the NDC did. He has blamed Ghana's retrogression on late John Atta Mills and John Mahama's governments. ”I always say our situation in Ghana, if the NPP party had continued after President Kuffour, maybe Ghana would have realised the

Video: Prophet Owusu-Bempah Drops Shocking Prophecy Ahead Of 2024 Election, Says Power Will Be Taken Away From The Elephant

Founder and leader of Glorious Word Power Ministries, Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah has delivered a prophecy ahead of Election 2024, with a delineation in a latest video sighted by our outfit. While lecturing his own congregation, Owusu Bempah said he has gotten a dream from God where the key to rule and the crown was equally taken from the elephant. Owusu Bempah disclosed that God allocated a holy messenger who resembles a blazing fire to retrieve the key from the elephant, and requested the holy messenger to keep the key
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