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Krobo Residents Reject Covid-19 Vaccine For Fear It Will Make Them Vote NPP IN 2024

Some misconception about the Covid-19 vaccine is fast spreading in Upper Manya Krobo hence making its District Health Directorates to lament on the low turnout of residents for the vaccination. Out of an estimated number of about Fifty thousand, one hundred and four people who are supposed to be vaccinated by the end of the year 2021, only 282 people have been fully vaccinated since the beginning of the vaccination. Reports indicates that about 820 people who took their first jab are hesitant on taking their second

Don’t Be Scared To Get Vaccinated-Nana Addo Encourages Ghanaians

President Nana Akufo-Addo in his address to the nation on 25th July 2021 encouraged Ghanaians who are yet to be vaccinated not to be scared to get vaccinated. He stated that there is no need for any fear as the vaccines to be used in the country have been has been tested and certified to be safe for use by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA). The President disclosed that the government is procuring some 18,478,670 vaccines through the COVAX facility, African Medicine Supply Platform to help fight covid-19 spread noting

Ghana Set To Produce Its Own Vaccine-Dr. Anthony Nsiah

The Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare has revealed that Ghana is set to produce its own covid-19 vaccines. He disclosed that government will achieve its purpose of producing covid-19 vaccines in due time because all necessary efforts to this effect is in progress. Dr. Asare noted that a committee has been formed for the Covid-19 production and they meet several times in the week so very soon the country will produce its own vaccines. “The committee is working hard, we meet several times in the
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