As of now, a leaked tape of one young man who identifies himself as Nelson, Moesha Buduong’s sibling in a discussion with Salma Mumin has gone viral on social media and creating a great deal of turmoil.
In the leaked tape, the person made numerous wild charges regarding why Moesha winds up in the state she is in now. Barely 24 hours after this supposed tape turned into a web sensation, Moesha’s family has delivered an articulation to respond to it and address different issues.
checkout the full explanation which was made solely accessible to
Statement from family of Moesha Boudong”
We issue this statement as family of MAURECIA (MOESHA BOUDONG)”
Everybody has a past, a present an a future. We have all lived life’s that, depending on the “friends” or “people” around you, can positivelyor negatively influence your life. Some have lived high life’s and others have lived practical life’s.No matter what happened or where Moesha has been and no matter whom she has “used” or “offended”, We believe that there comes a timein life when realisation sets in or a time when you “wake up” from your past and try to make good your life.
We believe Moesha has the right to a “new beginning in Christ” and a chance to make right her life. We are pleading with all persons toplease allow her time from gossip, bad mouthing, social media bickering and negative talking to find herself. We support the decision she has taken and will support her in anypositive way to help her find her real self. No persons have been authorised to solicit for funds to support her or on behalf of the family.
However the family is extremely grateful toeveryone who reached out genuinely to help.We further note with disappointment an audio recording circulating on social media purported to be her brother. We condemn the contents of the recording and state categoricallythat it is not her brother. The supposed Nelson is not a known relative of the family. Let’s let Moesha “heal” peacefully and let’s give her space from all networks to enable a new, positively fulfilling and effective beginning forher.Everybody deserves some privacy atone time or the other in life and thisis the least we can offer Moeshanow.”
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Checkout the full statement below;