Photo of the Gym Instructor who was shot dead at Tantra Hill at 2:00am while in his rented room on Thursday the 22nd of July has surfaced online.
The young man identified as Little was said to be in his room with a lady believed to be married but dating Little.
Residents narrated that at around 2:00am on Thursday they heard the sound of a motor at Little’s residence and the next thing that followed was a gunshot with Little screaming for help.
According to a UTV reporter some friends of the deceased have blamed the woman to be the cause of Little’s death because they believed she is married and her husband who doesn’t want her having an affair with anyone might have committed the crime.
Reports indicates that a lot of policemen have arrived at the scene but the woman in question is still in doors and hasn’t made any statement yet.
Below is a Photo of the young gym Instructor who met his untimely death on the 22nd of July 2021.