The pain that people go through when a relationship ends abruptly or sadly is almost always inevitable but there so many ways to overcome that pain and bounce back again. Movies and books make it seem as though bouncing back is easy but it isn’t. Despite the difficulties, tuning your mind to it will definitely make it simple and easy. Healing from heartbreak is not the same process for everyone. It may even vary within the same person throughout their life, changing from one relationship to the other. Regardless coming out of a heartbreak sole depends on the one feeling the pain the most. Below are ways to men a broken heart.

1.Take care of yourself the most: As an individual, loving someone is a good thing but in a situation where the relationship comes to an end do not forget to take care of yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually because you will differently have needs in these areas. Make sure to eat well, exercise enough and have good rest. This will help you grow well and appreciate why the relationship had to end the way it did.
2.Don’t let your emotions rule: there is a popular notion that it’s always bad to make a decision with one’s emotions. In this same regard it is not a good thing to let how one feel at the particular period to rule over everything you do or say because you might regret in the end. Despite being so much in love with a person if a relationship ends, let them go because they might be loved better elsewhere than you did. If you allow your emotions to rule over you you might get involved in things that will hurt you or your ex.
3.Do appreciate the good memories: when you accept that the relationship has indeed ended, you will begin to appreciate the good things that you both enjoyed or experience while in the relationship. It will go a long way to stop the anger that might build up in your heart due to the way the relationship ended. Remember that letting go off things helps you then the person you have so much hatred for.
4.Don’t jump into a rebound relationship: you may have a strong urge to start a new relationship because you might think that is the possible way to heal faster but that so-called ”rebound” relationships prevent you from healing properly and working through your previous one.
5. Do try a new relationship if you are ready: getting a broken heart isn’t the end of life or love life. You have to psyche your mind to love again so that you may feel the happiness that accompanies it.