Asantewaa’s Brother is Responsible For my Pregnancy – Ama official Claims.

The latest social media influenza Ama Official, has made a wild claim against the popular tictocker Asantewaas brother Kayveli.

Acordining to ama official everything that happend between herself and Asantewaa’s brother has yielded fruit wether the influencer likes or not .

In her recent tictock live she spewed out all her taught and how shes been able to secure a place for helf in the limelight

According to her on her last check up the doctor congratulated her and that she will be going for checkup and she must be safe and sound. She urged no one to disclose her hospital location else she might loose her baby .

Kayveli will never forget this, one person commented .

Asantewaa Akumaa you will take or not ? WATCH HER VIDEO BELOW;
