Mz Gee clashes with Mr Logic on United Showbiz

On Saturday’s broadcast of United Showbiz Night, TV personality and presenter MzGee got into a heated argument with industry expert and talent manager Mr. Logic.

As Mr. Logic was sharing his perspective on the difficulties local musicians experience in breaking through to the global music business, the show’s presenter, MzGee, interrupted and asked him to finish.

MzGee claims that Mr. Logic dragged out the conversation by taking a long time to explain his position.

Her remark angered Mr. Logic, sparking an argument between the two characters.

MzGee was accused of being unprofessional and of needing to learn on the job by Mr. Logic, who was upset by her statement.

MzGee responded by explaining that the presentation was dragging on, so her intervention was to call his attention to his point.

“You see how he’s yawning? That’s how people are yawning in their homes, so wrap it up and let us end it because no one is listening anymore.” “Please hurry up and finish,” MzGee requested.

“Why are you saying that?” said Mr. Logic. What are you saying, MzGee? That is incorrect of you to state. What is my worry if they are yawning? Because I’m trying to make a point. No, you can’t say I should wrap up and let us go, MzGee. Let me tell you something for the first time.

this…You cannot tell me what to do since it is your programme that you are regulating. Did you inform Kaywa about the yawning?

“This is inappropriate behaviour on her side…It is unethical for a moderator to inform a panel that they are sleeping; I repeat, it is unprofessional! You don’t state this, but you should learn on the job.Don’t tell me what you’re saying; instead, learn on the job.
