“I pray this comes through, I have caught wedding bouquets 4 times now” Michelle Dede prays after Rita Dominic’s wedding

“I pray this comes through, I have caught wedding bouquets 4 times now” Michelle Dede prays after Rita Dominic’s wedding

Rita Dominic honored Michelle Dede, her stunning best friend, by giving her her bridal bouquet, and Michelle Dede has hoped that the wishes engraved on the bouquet come true.
Rita Dominic unexpectedly delivered her bouquet to Michelle Dede, her maid of honor, causing her to break down in tears. Rita Dominic forwent the customary practice of handing bouquets in favor of giving Michelle her flowers in-person while they were cuddling.

Michelle Dede recently revealed that she had been a main bridesmaid at four weddings, a bridesmaid at seven, and a bouquet catcher at four weddings. I’ve attended seven weddings as a bridesmaid, served as chief bridesmaid at four, served as MC at one, and caught a bouquet four times.
cry at all seven. However, the first time the bouquet was presented to me, I didn’t want to try to catch it.
Michell Dede prayed, “God Oya o, may all the things Rita Dominic whispered come true.

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