Mark Zuckerburg was my mate at Harvard University in 2010 – Almighty Dr UN reveals

Mark Zuckerburg was my mate at Harvard University in 2010 – Almighty Dr UN reveals

Kwame Owusu Fordjour, nom de plume Dr. UN, demands that he went to the renowned Elite level organization Harvard College, notwithstanding long periods of famous suspicion.

Dr. UN as of late gave a meeting to Oman Media, during which he uncovered that he went to the establishment from 2006 to 2010 to get his PhD.

“I went to Harvard in 2006 and graduated in 2010. I took a PhD course in Global Studies; talk about the United Nations, international organisations, international law, human rights and others,” he said.

He proceeded to express that in 2010 he was a cohort of Facebook organizer Imprint Zuckerberg at Harvard.

“Even the founder of Facebook is my year mate in Harvard in 2010,” he said.

Dr. UN is famous for sorting out an honor occasion labeled by a lot of people as a phony plan in 2020.

A many individuals have scrutinized the scholastic capabilities of the person who coordinated the honor framework intended to respect various noticeable Ghanaians.

Nonetheless, in a new meeting with GhanaWeb, performer and radio telecaster Blakk Rasta confirmed a case by Dr. UN that he is a previous understudy of the KNUST.

Blakk Rasta asserts that from 1997 to 2001, he and Dr. UN were flat mates at the organization.
