Severe famine to hit Ghana so start storing maize in your homes – Prophet Nigel Gaisie

Severe famine to hit Ghana so start storing maize in your homes – Prophet Nigel Gaisie

Prophet Nigel Gaisie, the pioneer and head of Prophetic Hill Chapel, predicts that Ghana will encounter a serious food deficiency inside the following two years.

He encouraged his kinsmen to start accumulating food and different supplies preceding it was past the point of no return.

God uncovered this starvation and different forecasts that have proactively happened to Nigel Gaisie, including the demise of Queen Elizabeth II, he said, adding that Ghanaians should trust him and take the necessary arrangements.

“Anybody listening to me now if you don’t have maize, find some and store it; if you don’t have milo and sugar, find some and store it; anybody listing to me, with the Spirit of God upon my life, if you don’t have enough fuel go and find some and store because in the next two years ahead there [will be] unprecedented hunger in this country.

“I am telling you that the hunger that will be in Ghana will be more than that of 1983. God has used me to disclose a lot of things, including the death of the Queen,” he said in Twi in a Power FM interview monitored by Ghana.

“There are things that can be done to avert these, but I am not going to mention them because the people you are speaking for will be the same people who will be insulting you. But the fact remains that Ghana is currently in a very bad place, and things will get worse,” he added.
