I Want To Marry Ten women- Ghanaian prophet Ajagurajah

I Want To Marry Ten women- Ghanaian prophet Ajagurajah

Prophet Ajagurajah has expressed that regardless of the lessons of Jesus Christ which proliferates monogamy, he, specifically, buys into polygamy.

In advancement of this thought, the disputable righteous man has said he will ensure he weds ten ladies as polygamy is the genuine character of Africans and the one God himself organized.

He said when he was consulted on Kantanka TV as of late.

Ajagurajah’s stance builds up a similar topic he conceded on an alternate stage Hitz FM in Accra.

Review that he told Andy Dosty subsequently;

“God is a polygamous God. My father is married to 30 women. He is alive and kicking and I also want to be polygamous because I believe in polygamy.”
