Tracey Boakye Allegedly Sponsoring Her Wedding: All Details Drop Here

Tracey Boakye Allegedly Sponsoring Her Wedding: All Details Drop Here

Online tattle getting more focused concerning the impending wedding of Tracey Boakye and her as of late disclosed life partner Frank Badu Ntimoah has been shared.

A bird has murmured to Blogger Ghanafuo ho Nsem saying Frank isn’t rich all the ceremony and display visualized for this wedding is coming from the satchel of Tracey.

The blogger shared his discoveries on his IG page, composing;
“Ive been resistanting the temptation of not making this post but……I know by now most people are still wondering whom Tracy’s husband to be is gonna be. Since most of My friends in Germany already knows it, I can’t keep quiet to it. He is called FRANK BADU NTIMOAH.

A kumawood actor who lives in Bremen/ Hannover. Germany ” If you know, you know” He is the junior brother to “PePe” a movie producer in Germany. (2nd slide in Red Lacost).

Their Mum owns an Afro shop in Bremem (name)…coded..? Frank was the reason why Tracy went to Germany with her kids the other time.”

