When You Meet Solid People You Want, Never Get $3xu@l With Them-Yvonne Nelson Advises

Actress and mother of one, Yvonne Nelson has advised her fans and social media folks that when they meet solid people in their lives and they want to keep forever they should avoid the temptation of getting intimate with them or even marrying them.

It appears the actress is speaking from experience where she sees marrying a solid person one wants to keep around forever as a bad idea.

In her tweet she mentioned that although it may sound weird or funny it is wise not to get intimate or married to a solid person one wants to keep forever.

When you meet SOLID people you wanna keep in your life forever, don’t get sexual with them. Yeaa. Don’t even marry them i know it sounds weird , funny. Her tweet has since generated massive attention with some twitter folks agreeing with her while others also disagree with her.
