Regina Celebrates Her Husband As He Turns 61 In a Lovey Dovey Way

Regina Daniels’ husband Ned Nwoko is 61 years old today and the actress has seized the opportunity to cellebrate him.

Celebrating him on his special day the actress described him as nature due to the way and manner in which he puts smiles on her face and the rest of the family.

In her words she wrote; I’d prefer to call him Nature…In whom there’s so much to take from, and enough to learn from. If there’d be a synonymous word to describe a great soul such as yours then it should be Nature! Nature is beautiful at all time! Favorable to us and difficult on us sometimes ? I guess that’s why it’s called nature! your love towards us cannot be measured!! Thank you for all you do, for always going extra mile to see smiles on our faces ….We appreciate you always ❤️And love you ? Happy birthday Baby???

When the actress married her husband a number of people stated that she never loved Ned but this message speaks otherwise.

