“I will find you in America if this doesnt work for me”Falz issues a strong warning to American Rapper Meek Mill after taking his advise on using Bitter Kola Nut

“I will find you in America if this doesnt work for me”Falz issues a strong warning to American Rapper Meek Mill after taking his advise on using Bitter Kola Nut

Nigerian Artist Falz the Bad guy has decided to take a health advise from Hollywood Rapper Meek Mill after he revealed sometime ago that Bitter cola changed his life.

A couple of months ago, US Rapper Meek Mill on Twitter revealed that African Bitter Cola changed his life after battling stomach ache for a very long time. He claim he has been to several doctors about the issue but they couldnt find anything wrong with him but then Bitter cola was introduced to him and after taking it the stomach ache disappeared.

On his Twitter page, he called on all African’s to be proud of their African root especially their drugs as it helps helps several illness. Falz the Bad Guy on his Instagram page revealed that if the Bitter cola could work for Meek Mill then it will work for him else Meek Mill has several answers to answer from him.

Falz the bad guyLatestMeek MillNigeriaNollywood