If You Die For The Party, The Party Will Die For You When We Come To Power-John Mahama Encourages NDC Members To Work Hard

If You Die For The Party, The Party Will Die For You When We Come To Power-John Mahama Encourages NDC Members To Work Hard

Former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama has assured party members of the party’s commitment towards them if they work hard to bring back the NDC to power.

Speaking to a number of supporters on Wednesday during his ‘Thank You Tour’ he encouraged party members to work hard to see to it that the party wins 2024.

Mr. John Mahama seems to be listening to cries of a former member of the party Stephen Atubiga regarding the party’s attitude of neglecting grassroot members whenever it wins power.

Addressing a number of NDC supporters John Mahama said;

”We urge you all to work hard and bring the party back to power”, he noted. ”When yoou work hard and we come into office we won’t forget you, the party shall not forget you.”

”If you die for the party the party will also die for you when we come into office. Do that and when we come into office, we won’t forget you, we will reward you for your hard work when we come to power”, Mr. Mahama added.
