The West Cannot Force Their Values On Us-Oforikrom MP Asserts

The West Cannot Force Their Values On Us-Oforikrom MP Asserts

Member of Parliament for Oforikrom in the Ashanti Region has stated emphatically that those in the Western part of the world cannot impose their values on Ghanaians.

He made this comment following popular notion that if Ghana passes the anti-gay bill it may not benefit from foreign aids.

Dr. Marfo has assured Ghanaians that the country will still survive without aid from the West hence calling on all to remain calm and do away with fear.

”I don’t care if the West refuses to give us aid because of the bill. They say necessity is the mother of all inventions and even if we face struggles that will force the country to work hard and govern itself better,” the law maker stated.

”No Ghanaian should entertain any fear. God created all of us equal and it is a colonial mentality to say someone to respect or force your values on others”, D. Marfo noted.

The debate on whether the anti-gay bill should be passed on not has attracted massive attention from many Ghanaians at home and abroad.

”The West has to understand that they cannot make their values ours. They simply cannot force their values on us. Although polygamy is a part of our culture, the West has laws against polygamy and we respect that when we travel to their land. So as far as they are protecting their cultural values they should understand that we are doing the same”.

”We were born into a culture with men and women staying together and raising a family, not same-s3x partners. That is not a part of our culture. Our Constitution also states that we should integrate proper cultural values into our laws and that is what the bill seeks to achieve. The bill is right within the remits of the constitution and there shouldn’t be any controversy about it,” he added.
