22-Year-Old MMA Fighter Dies From Head Injury After Serious Fight

Latest report gathered from the world of sports indicates that a Brazilian MMA fighter has disastrously died at 22 years old after his recent fight in the early days of September 2021.

The deceased has since been identified as Lucas Gabriel Peres, an amateur contender from the Midwestern city of Peabiru, battled in a K-1 rivalry in Maringa on September 11, and was hospitalized following his fight.

After the fight, Peres griped of cerebral pains and subsequent to showing up at home with his beloved family, he was taken to an emergency clinic in Campo Mourão.

While at the emergency clinic, his condition supposedly disintegrated to where he was shipped off the Metropolitan Hospital of Sarandi but guess what, he was pronounced dead on Saturday, September 18, 2021.

The coordinators of the occasion have not said anything concerning Peres’ passing however reports has it that they are supposedly in touch with his family. A report examining further into the reasons for his demise is being made ready by the nearby clinical specialists. Genuine concerns have been raised by clinical specialists over the wellbeing of fighters contending in MMA.

In 2016, previous World Rugby clinical counsel Dr. Barry O’Driscoll, a relative of Irish legend Brian, brought for more noteworthy consideration over head wounds in the game and this is what he also had to say;

“And yet, here we are watching people left incapable after being hit around the head. What sort of a world are we living in?”

”We all know over the last few years the worries that come about because of head injuries and the worries that have come about with mild head injuries and mild concussion. And yet, here we are watching people left incapable after being hit around the head. What sort of a world are we living in..?
