Journalists In Ghana Now Becoming ‘All Knowing’-Kwame Sefa Kayi

Journalists In Ghana Now Becoming ‘All Knowing’-Kwame Sefa Kayi

Ace Ghanaian journalist Kwame Sefa Kayi has lamented on the gradual dislike towards criticism by Ghanaian journalists.

Speaking on Joy News he noted that if this menace isn’t dealt with it will affect the growth of journalism in Ghana.

Lamenting on journalists inability to accept criticism he noted that even though the media is responsible for informing and educating they can’t be right all the time and for that reason must accept criticism and should also accept their mistakes when they go wrong.

”I think we have become very opinionated which is good in some breath but sometimes we think we know it all. I noticed a lot of us journalists and media practitioners don’t like to be critiqued. I’m like really, when did this happen? We think that we know it all and we think that the moment we have an opinion that should be the overriding opinion”.

”But we can’t be right all the time. We should learn to be able to accept that much as we critique others, others will critique us. The fact that we are the Fourth Estate of the Real, the fact that we watch the watchman doesn’t mean that we will always get it right. So we should also be able to accept criticism”, he stated on Joy News.
