Visually Impaired Ghanaian Student ”Ebenezer Azamati” Elected As President Of Oxford University’s Africa Society

Report gathered by indicates that a visually impaired Ghanaian student and an old student of the Okuapemman Senior High School, Ebenezer Azamati, has been chosen as the President of Oxford University’s Africa Society.

The Oxford Africa Society (AfriSoc) champions the plan of African students and the broad graduated class in different administrative roles across the globe.

Ebenezer Azamati prevailed upon the position and succeeds Kenyan Elisha Ngetich. The Twitter handle of the Oxford Africa Society made the declaration with a tweet saying;

”Congratulations to Ebenezer Azamati for being elected President of Oxford Africa Society (AfriSoc). Azamati is a Radcliffe Scholar reading for the DPhil International relations at University of Oxford and a member of Univ College”

Ebenezer Azamati happens to be a previous University of Ghana Student who acquired admission to peruse Masters of Science in International Politics at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.

Right after the program, he got the Cambridge International Scholarship, which is saved for understudies from outside the European Union who might normally neglect to come to Oxford without monetary help.

He began his PhD program on the grant in October 2020.
