Reality Star Dorathy Bachor angrily calls out EFCC after they Men broke into her Apartment at dawn

Reality Star Dorathy Bachor angrily calls out EFCC after they Men broke into her Apartment at dawn

Big Brother Reality Star Dorathy Bachor on her official Instagram Page has dropped how popular Nigerian security service EFCC badged into her room at 4:45am by breaking down her front door.

According to her, At 4:45am she heard a loud bang and voice and that she almost run out naked due to however, She claim when she got down to her living room, she saw 5 strong men who immediately recognized her and told her that they were after a suspect who run into her Estate

They then advised her to advised her to lock her broken door and keep quite. Dorathy claim she was shaking and really scared as she doesnt know why EFCC will do that and claim they are just doing their Job.

She then narrated how her Mother almost had a heart attack due to the panic the security serviced caused. On her official Instagram page, Dorathy called the security service out alerting them of the damages they caused in her house.

See the post below

Dorathy BachorEFCCghanaLatestNigeria