Confirmed!! Rev. Father On K!sissing Spree At St. Monica’s College Of Education Officially Sacked

Confirmed!! Rev. Father On K!sissing Spree At St. Monica’s College Of Education Officially Sacked

Latest in formation picked up by indicates that the Rev. Father who engaged with the k!ssing episode at St. Monica College of Education has officially been sacked from the establishment..

Rev. Father Larbi’s sacking follows an extensive investigation after the k!ssing video went viral on quite a number of news portals. This was affirmed to 3News by sources at St. Monica’s College of Education.

The beset Anglican minister was caught in a viral video kissing understudies at a church gathering. In a proclamation released by the Anglican church in the early hours of today August 17, 2021, they communicated shock over the occurrence and swore to examine the whole incident.
