earlier reported on Ayisha Modi tossing a test to her rival, Afia Schwarzenegger in the midst of dirty beef going on between them via social media..
Afia Schwarzenegger and Ayisha Modi re-touched off their drama after the mother of twins lashed out at Rev. Obofour over his chieftaincy enstoolment throughout the end of the week after which Ayisha Modi leaped to Obofour’s defence and summoned curses on her.
In another post by Ayisha Modi on her Instagram page, she posted a photograph of her ex and husband which happens to be the legendary Ofori Amponsah and moved Afia Schwarzenegger to likewise post a photograph of her any of her exes.
Well, from the look of things Ayisha Modi anyway is by all accounts the only person who can match Afia Schwar. In their continuous drama, Ayisha continues to drop a large number of disclosures and there’s nothing left for Afia Schwar to say but to answer with curses.
The condemnations are currently being returned back to sender since it appears Afia Schwar lied. Afia Schwar reviled Ayisha Modi after she claimed that the mother of twins asked Reverend Obofour for cash to assist with the upkeep of her children.
Ayisha Modi made that disclosure to hit back at Afia for reprimanding the enstoolment of Reverend Obofour as a chief by the Ga community. Afia additionally said she can never ask Obofour for cash since he doesn’t pay Ghc 1,000 when he lays down with young ladies.
Indeed, Ayisha has released evidence adding that Afia’s condemnations are currently back to her in light of the fact that Obofour unquestionably made her Ayisha Modi send Afia Schwar cash.
This is what she had to say;
”FUFUFUNU this is just 2 the rest will soon drop (Aboa) a bitter lair like u . Look at the date and the time Rev Obofour called me to send you that money u called KOFI and begged for ???. KOFI called me at 6:14am and I called Rev around 7am , money was sent at 7:22am. Ungrateful evil ? soul like u. ???? errrrr FUFUFUNU make hot ruff. All this money came from My Godfather Rev Obofour so all ur cures will come back to u in Jesus name Sia girl. Animals wife??. This why I always tell u this a good lair must have a very good memories.
So if you didn’t beg KOFI to come and beg me for money why than didn’t u send the money back to me but u even went ahead to send me an audio to thank me??????. FUFUFUNU I said am ur down fall . Cheap lair with no class. Dogs wife??. Snake ? water producer???. @maame_ng3g3_broskoto if them fool nor including KOFI himself, Biko just drop the audios ???. Am a Fuckin Zongo girl with brains and am boldly telling u that u can’t guy a guy woman?. Cures yourself that you Afia FUFUFUNU didn’t beg Me Ayisha to beg Rev Obofour or Obofowaa 50,000 dollars for u? ???.
You want to open a juice company and he can even use his own name for the juice ? for u , cos if u use ur own name ppl will not buy , and also Kennedy Agyemang is making Ghana a hell for u????. You begged for land right before that same KOFI . I never ever invited you to my house FUFUFUNU u showed up uninvited and I got very upset with the same kofi for showing u my house ask him and @mayaasesignature and they will tell u what I did to KOFI that day! FUFUFUNU we don’t love u like that ooo. We love you from afar cos we are so afraid of u????.
I took you to meet Abass the 1st day and begged for a land for u with this same KOFI and @mayaasesignature ???. Come out and curse yourself again FUFUFUNU ?????. Ghanaians are jokers ampa boi”.