Tonto Dikeh reveals she is set to under go her Third Liposuction

Nollywood Actress Tonto Dikeh has revealed that she is set to undergo her third surgery after she revealed why she still wear a waist trainer even after under the Knife.

According to her, she eats day in day out therefore Fat builds up in her body which she doesnt need so its either the waist trainers or the lipo which she is set to under her surgery.

She wrote: I have laughed a lot lately on the subject IF YOU SURGERY YOU SHOULDNT USE WAIST TRAINER??????????????
Listen Up people You need to Waist eraser/trainer to follow up on your Lipo’s..
You need your gym to be your best friend too(I am personally too lazy for that.. so I opt for Non surgical Body enhancement)

Lipo is simply taking fat from one part of your body to another part most lacking…
You eat everyday so fat gonna grow back sister..
I have had 2 Lipo surgeries and waiting on my third but I stay fit, stylish and erase those waist line with @fannysfit

ghanaNollywoodTonto Dikeh