Its not mandatory or in any law that your landlord must give you three months grace period before evicting you – Rent Control

Its not mandatory or in any law that your landlord must give you three months grace period before evicting you – Rent Control

Ghana rent control department has revealed the long term agreement that Landlords must give tenant 3 months grace period before they evict them is not state under any law

The Public relations officer of the rent control department Mr Emmanuel Hovey Kporsu while speaking in an Interview revealed that there is no such thing as a tenancy law which state that the land lord must give the tenant 3 months grace period.

He claim even tho such thing exist, no Landlord is obliged to do that unless out of the person’s own will. In his words, he said” This notion in the minds of tenants that when you are being evicted , you should be given three months grace period is not in our laws. So there is no free rate and there is no grace period. Nothing should prevent the land lord from collecting rent from its tenant”

Emmanuel Hovey Kporsughanarent control