Mr Kissi Agyebeng sworn in as the New Special Prosecutor

Mr Kissi Agyebeng sworn in as the New Special Prosecutor

Mr Kissi Agyebeng has officially been sworn in as the special prosecutor by the President of the country, President Akufo Addo today the 5th of August 2021 and he has already started work.

This comes after he was approved by the appointment committee during his nominee vetting. Mr Agyebeng impressed the committee especially with his answer about corruption. According to Mr Agyebeng, he will make corruption unattractive for anyone who tried to be involved in that activity.

On the 5th of August, He was sworn in as the New Special Prosecutor by President Akufo Addo at the jubilee house. While giving his acceptance speech. Mr Agyabeng said” Mr President, we are confronted by two pandemic, One is a health crisis and its outlook is marked up. The other is not a health crisis but it is a Pandemic which is corruption itself and corruption related activities. The zeal with which your administration has approached the fight in respect of the health crisis are also seen in respect of other pandemic which is corruption.. My office is going to drive it down and repress it to its barest minimum”

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