Police Officer hot after taking a Ghc200 bribe from a Driver but mistakenly left her Iphone 12 pro Max in his car

Police Officer hot after taking a Ghc200 bribe from a Driver but mistakenly left her Iphone 12 pro Max in his car

A police Officer who is currently unidentified is said to have left her Iphone 12 pro max in a vehicle she stopped and collected Money from for not wearing a seat belt

According to the Diver, the police officer stopped him at a checkpoint at Sogakope on the 1st of August when he was traveling from Aflao to Accra and collected a bribe of 200GHc from him for not wearing a seat belt

He claim he begged the police officer several times since the amount she mentioned is exactly what he budgeted for to buy his fuel but the police officer who wasnt having any of it still collected the money.

He wrote:

I was travelling from Aflao to Accra but when I got to Sogakope, I was stopped at a checkpoint by a group of Ghana police team who accused me of not using my seatbelt.
I begged her to please let me go that it won’t happen again but she refused.
She said she is going to seize my drivers licence and impound the car to their office.
But after much plea for hours (over 3 hrs), she decided to collect Ghc 200 last from me and which was the money I had budgeted for my fuel and other expenses.
I gave her the money SADLY and went my way.
I was about entering Tema motorway when a phone rang beside me,
and i was surprised to see Apple’s Iphone 12 pro max on my passenger seat.
I picked the call only to discover that the Police officer forgot her phone in my car.
Now she’s begging me to return the phone to her.
If you were to be in my shoes what will you do???
Be sincere because my head dey run riot here and both angels and demons are whispering things in my ear at the same time.??
