Information about how Moesha drank Parazone / Bleach and later Hospitalized leaks online

Information about how Moesha drank Parazone / Bleach and later Hospitalized leaks online

It was earlier reported here yesterday about the worse condition of Moesha Buduong after she allegedly beat up Afia Schwarzenegger after she went to her house for a visit.

The information about her condition was updated to her fans by Popular Instagram blogger those called Celebs

According to her, Moesha is almost left alone as most people who were around her have all left due to one reason or the other. She also revealed how Afia was allegedly beaten up by Moesha who claim to be prophetess now.

In her update she also revealed that Moesha was recently hospitalized after she drank Bleach ( Parazone) Maybe in an attempt to take her life.

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