‘What the LGBTQI Community needs is help and its my duty to teach them about the love of Christ – Foh Moses Amoaning speaks on the Anti LGBTQI matters arising

‘What the LGBTQI Community needs is help and its my duty to teach them about the love of Christ – Foh Moses Amoaning speaks on the Anti LGBTQI matters arising

It seem certain Individuals in Ghana will stop at nothing to get the Anti LGBTQI Bill passed and one of them is FOH Moses Amoaning after the member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram Hon Sam George

During a Interview on Joy SMS, Mr Amoaning took the opportunity to campaign against the LGBTQI community and in his words, he said; “We are not after those those who have a problem. You have a medical condition because of Peer pressure, because of money problems, because a lot of them get into it because of Money. Go to the coastal areas, we’ve been on the ground. We have treated a lot of Homos*xuals, Go to Bokom the boxing area, someone has established what we call the blue Gate and all sort of things…”

ghanaLatestMoses AmoaningNingo Prampram