“Over 150,000 Ghanaians given jobs ever since the 1 District 1 Factory was initiated” Alan Kyerematen reveals

“Over 150,000 Ghanaians given jobs ever since the 1 District 1 Factory was initiated” Alan Kyerematen reveals

Minister for Trade and Industry Mr Alan Kyerematen claim over 150,000 Ghanaians have benefited and given Jobs through the I district 1 factory Initiative by President Akufo Addo

According to the Minister, Since the 1D1F was initiated in 2017, over 150,000 Ghanaians have benefited so far and are station in the 140 factories currently operating in the constituencies across the country.

Speaking further, he also revealed that about 278 factories are at the verge of completion and implementation across the countries. He claim when all this factories are completed, over 280,000 jobs will be available for Ghanaians to benefit from.

In his words, he said; “Since the beginning of the program till date, there are 278 1D1F projects which are at various stages of Implementation out of that, 104 which are nearing completion are currently in operation”

Akufo AddoAlan KyerematenghanaLatest