Former President John Mahama shares Memories of the Late Professor John Evans Attah Mills on the 9th Anniversary of his death

Former President John Mahama shares Memories of the Late Professor John Evans Attah Mills on the 9th Anniversary of his death

Former President His Excellency John Dramani Mahama has shared some memories of the late President John Evans Attah Mills on the 9th Anniversary of his death.

The later Professor John Evans Attah Mills sadly died on the 24th of July 2012 after a long battle of cancer. He died just a few days after celebrating his 68th Birthday.

Tho the cause of his death was not immediately release to the public, it was rumored that he died of throat cancer even tho he went outside the country to seek for medical health.

He died at the age of 68 years while he was still the President of Ghana. After his death, His vice President His Excellency John Dramani Mahama took over the Presidential seat

Remembering Atta mils and some of his memories, see what John Mahama posted on his page

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