Screenshots: Hon Sam George and Sister Derby dirty themselves on social media over the Anti LGBTQI Bill

Screenshots: Hon Sam George and Sister Derby dirty themselves on social media over the Anti LGBTQI Bill

Ghanaian Parliamentarians lead by the Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram Hon Sam George recently presented the bill to criminalize the LGBTQI community or anyone involved in such acts.

The bill has since sparked a lot of controversies on social media as it state that anyone involved in such act or behave in such manner needs to be jailed for not less that 5 years. A lot of celebrities have taken to their social media pages to react to the bill, protesting for it not to be passed.

However the Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram has taken to his social media to defend and blast all those who are against it. According to him, nothing will stand in their way to pass the bill and that anyone especially the celebrities involved should bow their heads in shame.

He wrote: I have seen the attacks from a few goons aligned to a political inclination based on my leadership on the PMB against LGBTQI+ in Ghana. Bow your heads in shame. Nothing would stand in our way to get this Bill passed by the House. Take your perversion and let me speak my truth!

This however didnt sit well with Ghanaian songstress Sister Derby who has been a very strong advocate for the LGBTQI community to be accepted by Ghanaians. She also took to her social media to call out Sam George for being a back thinker.

This caused the two big personalities to dirty themselves on social media with exchange of words. See the post below

ghanaLatestNingo PrampramSam Dzata GeorgeSister Derby