Information about how Akumaa Mama Zimbi and 2 other sugar mummies where dating Little, the murdered Gym Instructor leaks online

Information about how Akumaa Mama Zimbi and 2 other sugar mummies where dating Little, the murdered Gym Instructor leaks online

It was reported here a few days ago about how a Gym instructor was murdered in cold blood by two unknown gun men who stormed his house at 2am on the 22nd of July Thursday and shot him

The gym instructor has been identified as Little and his Picture has since gone viral after that. According to some sourced this Gym Instructor and some of his friends are fond of doing this as in they date married women who come to the gym to train to be in good shape.

A social media user has dropped a shocking revelation and according to the user, Popular Media Personality Akumaa Mama Zimbi was allegedly one of the sugar mummies the late Little was dating.

The social media user alleged that Akuma Mama Zimbi allegedly rented the gym shop for him, bought him Motor Bikes and that the two have allegedly been dating for 7 years. The report from the social media user also claim on the morning Little died, Akumaa Mama Zimbi was there.

Akumaa Mama ZimbighanaLatestLittle