“I will hold on, I will easily resign from my Job until it becomes unbearable” Special Prosecutor Nominee Kissi Agyebeng reveals

“I will hold on, I will easily resign from my Job until it becomes unbearable” Special Prosecutor Nominee Kissi Agyebeng reveals

Mr Kissi Agyebeng, The special Prosecutor nominee, Yesterday on the 22nd of July faced the appointment committee of parliament to answer a few questions about the huge position he is hoping to fill

The former Special Prosecutor Mr Martin Amidu resigned from his job after he faced so many challenged and set back which he claim he couldnt handle, When asked what he would do is he is faced with such challenged if he is approved for the post, Mr Kissi claim he would consider resigning or leaving the job if he is faced with certain challenges that are unbearable

Explaining further, Mr Agyebeng claim before he resigns or leave his job, he will hold on for a little while but if it becomes so unbearable for him, he will resign. According to him, he hopes he would not be faced with such challeges to the extend of forcing him to leave his job,

In his words, he said: “My first inclination will be to persevere along because it is my calling and oath I have sworn. unless it becomes so unbearable, then I will say the Republic should take its job. But I am not that kind of person. I am not Predisposed to that kind of Open confrontation”

ghanaKissi AgyebengLatestMartin Amidu