“Did they get her Hypnotized or what??” Princess Shyngle says as she plays a voice recording of Moesha telling her she has given all her belongings to the church and that she currently has nothing – Video

“Did they get her Hypnotized or what??” Princess Shyngle says as she plays a voice recording of Moesha telling her she has given all her belongings to the church and that she currently has nothing – Video

The best Friend of Ghanaian Instagram Influencer Moesha Buduong who now goes by the name Maurecia Buduong, Princess Shyngle has finally reacted to Moesha’s situation currently

Moesha Buduong has been making several headlines after she was rescued while trying to commit suicide. In a video which went viral, Moesha was captured looking really unkept as she preached the world of God to people who were near by.

Ghanaians have since reacted massive to the Video with some calling for medical attention for her while other claim it might be spiritual. Moesha according to sources have sold all belongings including her car.

Reacting to this, Princess Shyngle claim maybe Moesha was hypnotized and that she clearly confirmed to her that she gave all her belongs to the church. Watch the video below

ghanaLatestMoesha BuduongPrincess Shyn