Actress Ama. K. Abebrese Believes With Faith That Moesha’s Testimony Can Transform Others Despite The Mockery

Popular Ghanaian entertainer, Ama K Abebrese has shown good faith in how Moesha Boduong’s declaration can indeed transform others.

In spite of the joke and reactions designated at her, Ama K accepts others will pay attention to her declaration and also change from the ways.

Ama K. Abebrese took to the microblogging platform and tweeted saying;

”Mauricia Babiinoti Boduong, Many will not understand you, many will mock and ridicule you; but may you stand strong in God and may your testimony continue to inspire. I pray for well-being, peace of mind and happiness for you.

She further added; Just remember, even though some are laughing, there are some who are also listening to your testimony and are turning towards Christ and changing from their old ways. I pray that God continues to strengthen and guide you.

“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” ~Philippians 3:12”

Checkout her tweet below;
