Social Media users are having a field day after a lady who claims to be the daughter of Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi took to social media to defend her father after he gave two failed Prophecies .
The Prophet is currently trending on social media and has become the laughing stock of the nation after two football Prophecies he gave failed.
His first Prophecy Prediction was the match between Brazil and Argentina which on Saturday night, He claim in the spiritual realms he saw Argentina winning the Copa American Final and that Brazil would Loose.
Most youths after listening to the prophecy decided to stake a bet in favor of Argentina but unfortunately Brazil won the Copa American Final and lifted the trophy him.
Just yesterday, Sunday the 11th of July 2021, trying to do a Damage control, Badu Kobi Prophesied in his church auditorium that England will win the European Championship over Italy and this also failed as Italy won the football match and because the Champion of Europe.
This has made the once highly respected Man of God a laughing stock on social media with Ghanaians descending heavily on him and calling him names.
This made his daughter Jessie Kobi take to social media to defend her father. Read her Post below