The Committee Seems To Be Searching For A Narrative To Support A Preset Story-Kofi Bentil

The Committee Seems To Be Searching For A Narrative To Support A Preset Story-Kofi Bentil

The Vice President of Imani Africa, Kofi Bentil has asserted that it looks like the 3-member Committee set by Interior Minister Ambrose Derry under the instruction of President Akufo-Addo are searching for a narrative to support a preset story and nobody.

Mr. Kofi Bentil believes that the Committee is just beating about the bush because it already has a preset story of which it is looking for a narrative support.

Speaking on JoyNews’ Newsfile, he noted that the line of questions and comments the Committee members make are not in relation to the Terms of Reference (ToR).

‘I have found nobody, not even one person who has any confidence in the Committee. It looks like they just assembled them to waste our money and insult our intelligence. Even some of the people who are trying to use their narrative to tow a certain line are being cautious about it”. he said.

”Sometimes we make a mess when we ignore the very obvious issues and try very hard to create a very different set of facts. We have a situation here, where in the face of clear evidence we are being invited to split heads about esoteric ideas some of which have very little capability”, Mr. Bentil said on JoyNews’ Newsfile.

Meanwhile the family of Kaaka, in a statement have also refused to appear before the Committee because they believes the Committee cannot give them the justice they want.
