Pay Presidential Spouses From Gender Ministry-Former Bantama MP

Pay Presidential Spouses From Gender Ministry-Former Bantama MP

A former Member of Parliament for Bantama Constituency Daniel Okyem Aboagye has posited that the spouses of the President and Vice President of Ghana be paid from the Gender Ministry.

He asserted that integrating the President and Vice President’s spouses into the Gender Ministry will make the proposal of their salaries justifiable.

Mr. Okyem said the spouses of the President and Vice President cannot be paid without being to any ministerial portfolio. The former MP is of the opinion that if they are align to a portfolio their performance can be measured as well as help bring a maximum output from them.

Speaking on ‘Wonsom’ an Akoma FM show, stated that his suggestion will help reduce cost of government business and ensure the public purse is protected.

Parliament approved the recommendation of the Ntiamoah-Baidu Committee but many Ghanaians are unhappy about it as they feel this isn’t the time for spouses of President and Vice President to be paid.

He added that the spouses of the President and the Vice President are already enjoying allowances and some undisclosed officers and so aligning them to a portfolio their expenditure can be corked with a budget.
