Princess Shyngle shocks her fans and followers as she rocks no Make Up, No Wig and Waist Trainer

Princess Shyngle shocks her fans and followers  as she rocks no Make Up, No Wig and Waist Trainer

Gambia based Ghanaian Actress Princess Shyngle has dropped a Photo of her self rocking her Natural beauty on social media

The Actress who is popularly known for her curves dropped a Picture of her rocking no wig, no make up and even no waist trainer as she normally does.

Princess Shyngle in the Photo was seen rocking a black short dress with a short hair. The actress looked really different as she is always rocking a wig, make up and her waist trainer.

She wrote: No makeup, No wig, No waist trainer, No earrings, No nails, No Heels, No bra, No pants, No Edit ?? just me in my little black dress. Bae said this is how he likes it ? What do y’all think ? ???

GambiaghanaPrincess Shyngle