“Why make adverse mockery of someone’s decision to repent and give her life to Jesus?” Kaywa Calls out Akrobeto for Mocking Moesha’s repentance on live TV

“Why make adverse mockery of someone’s decision to repent and give her life to Jesus?” Kaywa Calls out Akrobeto for Mocking Moesha’s repentance on live TV

The repentance of Former Slay Queen Moesha Buduong to a born again christian is still unbelievable to many people.

Moesha Budong was recently captured in a in a church auditorium where she was seen praying and crying her heart out confessing her sins.

The Instagram socialist is popular known for excessively showing her fleshing and mostly being in skimpy dresses just to show off her curves.

On the 4th of July during Akrobeto’s real News on United TV (UTV) , he passed a comment which didnt sit well with many people who saw his comment as a mockery. According to them, Akrobeto has no right to mock Moesha for being a born again.

Music Producer Kaywa has also taken to his Instagram page to drop his Opinion about issue and called out Akrobeto for mocking Moesha. He wrote: i’m seriously saddened by this….

Why make adverse mockery of someone’s decision to repent and give her life to Jesus?

the bible is clear on this..

Luke 15:10
In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents…

why laugh over what makes Heaven Rejoice???

who Gave us the power to Judge someone’s salvation?

let’s be careful

dear @moeshaboduong Jesus Christ is very proud of you,and always remember you made the BEST decision for you Soul…

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