Sad Video pops up as The late Kaaka’s Mother collapses in front of Ambrose Dery, the Interior Minister

Sad Video pops up as The late Kaaka’s Mother collapses in front of Ambrose Dery, the Interior Minister

A video has popped up online showing the sad Moment the Mother of Ibrahim Mohammed popularly known as Kaaka collapsed in front of the interior Minister, Ambrose Dery.

The Interior Minister was in Ejura to mourn with the family of the late Kaaka was was murdered by a Mob on the 28th of June at Dawn.

In the video which surfaced online, Kaaka Mother was seen carried away by a young at what seems to be the meeting grounds.

Ibrahim Mohammed popularly known as Kaaka was Murdered on the 28th of June after he received several death threats after he used his social media platform to campaign for the country to be fixed.

His wife who speak after his death revealed that she warned him several times to stop but he didnt listen to her until his untimely death. After his death, the youths of Ejura took to the streest to protest an demand for Justice but unfortunately the Police and Armed forced were involved which led to the death of two people.

Watch the video of Kaaka’s mother below
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