Breaking News: Former President Of South Africa ‘Jacob Zouma’ Sentenced To 15-Months In Jail

Breaking News: Former President Of South Africa ‘Jacob Zouma’ Sentenced To 15-Months In Jail

Latest report gathered by indicates that South Africa’s most elevated court on Tuesday requested the detainment of Jacob Zuma, the past leader of South Africa, for a very long time on contempt charges, after he challenged a request to appear before a corruption inquiry breaking down the stunning financial scandals that corrupted his tenure as president from 2009 to 2018.

This came after the Constitutional Court saw him as blameworthy of contempt in the wake of defying the court to show up at an investigation into corruption while he was president.

Mr Zuma’s time in power, which finished in 2018, was hounded by unite charges.

Financial specialists were blamed for planning with government officials to impact the dynamic interaction.

The previous president showed up at the investigation into what has gotten known as “state capture” but guess what, he subsequently refused to show up

The inquiry headed by Justice Raymond Zondo requested that the Constitutional Court mediate. It’s anything but clear if Mr Zuma will currently be captured.

In a different legitimate matter, Mr Zuma argued not liable last month in his corruption preliminary including a $5bn (£3bn) arms bargain from the 1990s.
