Whose Son Is This? Video Of An Angry Young Boy Disgracing And Blasting Afia Schwar For Fighting Twene Jonas Goes Viral

Whose Son Is This? Video Of An Angry Young Boy Disgracing And Blasting Afia Schwar For Fighting Twene Jonas Goes Viral

Right now, issues about Afia Schwarzenegger and popular social media commentator Twene Jonas have become the topic of discussion of Ghana.

What’s more, a great deal of revelations are springing up from the camp of Afia Schwarzenegger and Twene Jonas. As indicated by Afia, she has reported Twene Jonas to the United States Embassy in Ghana to be extradited as he’s an illicit foreigner in the United States.

Nonetheless, social media commentators continue to slam Afia to keep her mouth shut as Twene Jonas right now remains the solitary enthusiastic Ghanaian alive who is fighting for the youth and the average Ghanaian citizen. It’s at the rear of this that a youthful Ghanaian has taken so social media to tame the scandalous Afia Schwarzenegger.

As per the young fellow, Afia Schwarzenegger’s mom at present lives in one of the towns of Begoro, in this way, Afia has no guts to speak sick about Twene Jonas who is fighting for a better Ghana.

Checkout the video below;
