Close At 6PM To Avoid Robbery Attacks-MoMo Agents Told

Close At 6PM To Avoid Robbery Attacks-MoMo Agents Told

The National Chairman of Mobile Money Agents Association of Ghana (MMAAG) has called on all Momo agents in the country to close at 6pm to avoid robbery attacks.

This comes following a recent attack and shooting of a Mobile Money agent at okorase near Koforidua in the Eastern Region.

The 36-year-old Solomon who had close from work at around 11:14 pm got attacked while walking with his friend but unfortunately for him he got shot in the chest and died on the spot by the armed robbers.

Speaking to Starr news while sympathizing with the family of Solomon, the National Chairman of Mobile Money Agents Association, Mr. Delali Abotsie stated that the rise in attacks on his members is making the business unappealing and unsafe.

“To be very Frank, it is one too many and we are so worried as an Association. Actually, the guy belongs to the Mobile money Association of Ghana so I been the Chairman I am in the house to console the Family and I can see the rep of MTN here. We have come to solidarize with the family and see the way forward.

“One of the things I want my colleagues to note is about the time that we close from work. If possible, by 6:00oclock every agent should close and do reconciliation and go home. It is the best for all of us now. Because what is happening is too much. So I will let everybody close by 6:00 pm Nobody should stay at work. Close and go home” he said.

“Even Banks with Police protection they are robbing them and you who don’t have anybody to protect you why don’t you close Early and go home”.
