Onion Sellers At Agbogbloshie Have Asked Their Juju Man To Kill Me But I Will Still Make Sure They Relocate – Henry Quartey Boldly Reveals

Onion Sellers At Agbogbloshie Have Asked Their Juju Man To Kill Me But I Will Still Make Sure They Relocate – Henry Quartey Boldly Reveals

Information reaching our outfit indicates that the Greater Accra Region Minister, Henry Quartey has asserted that some onion sellers at Agbogbloshie have gotten a ”Juju man” to have him murdered.

As per the Minister, the activity of the unsettled traders is on the grounds that he plans to move them to the ‘abandoned’ Adjin Kotoku site as a component of the ‘Let Make Accra Work’ movement.

In any case, keeping up his purpose to execute the activity, Mr Quartey on Accra-based Net 2 TV said anything planned against him willn not keep him from assuming his part in actualising the mission.

He accepted that help from above will consistently guard him from ‘evil’ hands.

This is what he had to say;

”Whether they like it or not, we will move them because we have made an alternative arrangement for them. I have heard they have gone to some mallam to kill me.

They are kidding. They should tell the mallam to return to his hometown because so far as God exist, nothing will happen to Henry Quartey, and by July 1, 2021, we shall move them”.

Among different drives, the Regional Minister tries to decongest the capital and make it clean and also to improve the drainage framework.

Up until now, he has regulated the evacuation of unapproved traders along some significant roads, the pulling down of unapproved structures.

These exercises have won him the adoration of some Ghanaians, yet he focuses on that the achievement of the mission includes each and every Ghanaian.
