Sad!! Christian Eriksen May Never Play Football Again After Suffering Cardiac Arrest In The Field Of Play – Dr. Sharma Reveals

Sad!! Christian Eriksen May Never Play Football Again After Suffering Cardiac Arrest In The Field Of Play – Dr. Sharma Reveals

Latest report gathered from the world of football indicates that Danish captain, Christian Eriksen may need to hang up his boots in the wake of enduring a heart failure during his country’s Euro 2020 opener against Finland.

Christian Eriksen fell on the pitch during the match between Denmark and Finland in the ongoing Euro 2020 competition. Fans who were present at the stadium and numerous football darlings across the globe were left crushed in what can be depicted as an insufferable and shocking circumstance.

Sharma, an educator of sports cardiology at London’s St George’s University who knew Eriksen from his stretch at Tottenham talked with New Daily where he uncovered that the midfielder may not be permitted to play again yet his degree of sureness was a clenched down.

There were a few of his words; ”Clearly, something went terribly wrong, but they managed to get him back, the question is what happened? And why did it happen? This guy had normal tests all the way up to 2019, so how do you explain this cardiac arrest?

The fact he is able and awake, his outlook is going to be very good. I don’t know whether he will ever play football again. Without putting it too bluntly, he died to today, albeit for a few minutes, but he did die and would the medical professional allow him to die again? The answer is no. He cardiac arrest has rocked the entire nation today and that’s what happens. It is not just them that it affects, it’s the psyche of so many people.

The good news is he will live. The bad news is he was coming to the end of his career, so would he play another professional football game? That I can’t say. In the UK he wouldn’t play. We would be very strict about it”.
