Census Supervisors In Zabzugu Threaten To Boycott Exercise

Census Supervisors In Zabzugu Threaten To Boycott Exercise

In Zabzugu District of the Northern Region, some supervisors of the ongoing Population and Housing Census have threatened to boycott the exercise over unfair distribution of enumerators in the area along tribal lines.

According to the supervisors, the personnel who Konkombas and have been recruited for the exercise are less-something they feel is unfair.

According to them owing from the questionnaires being used in executing the work it will be difficult for personnel who are not Konkombas to work in Konkomba communities hence the need for more Konkombas to be recruited.

The leader of the Konkomba supervisors, Nyojah Dawuni in an interview with Citi News noted that the enumerators will face difficulties working because of the language barrier.

“We are supposed to have about 40 supervisors but as of yesterday [Sunday], the supervisors were 39, and out of this number, we only have five Konkombas and one is even a facilitator.”

“This is not good enough because the enumerators who will work under us will give us problems because they don’t understand the language, and they will find it difficult in soliciting the information needed,” he said.

Meanwhile the Zabzugu District consists of Konkombas and Dagombas but statistics shows that the Konkombas make up over 50% of the total population in the District.
